FiTI is a global multi-stakeholder initiative. Its purpose is to increase transparency and participation by national authorities in fisheries governance for the benefit of a more sustainable management of marine fisheries. The FitI:
1) Strives to reveal data that has otherwise been obscured from public scrutiny;
2) Attempts to verify if information in the public domain is reliable and complete;
3) Is designed to reveal where public authorities do not collate information, and requires the national multi-stakeholder group to come to an agreement on how these gaps in knowledge will be addressed.
The initiative does not focus on a single country or region, but rather seeks to establish a global level playing field among fisheries countries. FiTI is not owned or operated by one organization, and is instead represented by the diversity of stakeholders. It is implemented in countries through National Multi-Stakeholder Groups, consisting of representatives from government, business, and organized civil society.
The core of the initiative is the FiTI Standard, an agreement on what information on fisheries should be published by public authorities. It’s comprised of 12 transparency requirements and is applicable to all countries.