Inmarsat’s Fleet One offers fishing vessels of any size satellite voice and data services. It has a mobile app that allows users to map their location.
Inmarsat is working with USAID’s Oceans and Fisheries Partnership to provide communication technology to improve fisheries catch documentation and traceability through solutions such as Pointrek. Crew members on medium and large vessels will integrate existing monitoring systems and catch data with Inmarsat’s Fleet One and IsatData Pro technology, a global two-way messaging service for tracking and monitoring ports and vessels. USAID’s Oceans and Fisheries Partnership will pilot the technology in Bitung, Indonesia, and Songkhla, Thailand, where the system has been tested.
Inmarsat is also partnering with Thai Union and Mars Petcare, providing satellite communications to help crews maintain at-sea connectivity for quicker and easier digital catch reporting, communication, and fleet management.