Albertsons Companies Achieves New Seafood Sustainability Milestone
Earlier this week, Albertsons Companies announced that 100% of the seafood in its waterfront BISTRO® and Open Nature® products now meets its Responsible Seafood Policy and will soon display the Responsible Choice logo. This achievement comes almost one and a half years ahead of the Albertsons Companies’ “Top 20 by 2022” Commitment and is the result of hard work and an unwavering commitment to protecting our oceans.
As one of the largest U.S. retailer chains with nearly 2,300 stores, this sustainable seafood sourcing commitment impacts the procurement practices of over 100 products in Albertsons Companies’ Own Brands line of seafood. Shifting this level of supply to sustainable sources is a significant step in helping to maintain a plentiful seafood supply for generations to come and for the health of our planet.
The Responsible Choice logo represents Albertsons Companies’ commitment to responsible seafood and is placed on products that have been checked by FishWise as meeting their comprehensive Responsible Seafood Policy. The label also makes it easier for consumers to identify products that are good for the ocean when shopping for seafood.
The FishWise team is proud of Albertsons Companies for its many years of dedication and for accelerating this effort ahead of schedule during these challenging times. “Various teams within Albertsons Companies made a commitment to prioritize this work. The internal push to reach this goal also resulted in other sustainability wins – demonstrating the kind of leadership we hope will motivate other seafood businesses to follow suit,” said Michelle Beritzhoff-Law, Project Director at FishWise.
Learn more about this exciting announcement. Please join us in applauding Albertsons Companies by choosing the Own Brands seafood options at a location near you.