FishWise at Seafood Expo Global
Connecting with Sustainable Seafood Professionals World-Wide
FishWise is heading to Barcelona for the 2024 Seafood Expo Global, April 23-25! We are excited to connect with the global seafood community and collaborate with professionals on critical environmental and social issues. FishWise staff is sitting on two panels and looking forward to learning from several others. Here are all the talks we recommend catching in Barcelona:
Don’t Miss Our Panel Discussions
How Cross-Sector Collaboration Can Leverage Existing Solutions to Strengthen Supply Chain Assurance and Market Due Diligence:
Ashley Greenley speaks on a panel about smarter and more creative use of existing tools and data to achieve traceable, sustainable seafood supply chains on 4/23/24 at 16:15- 17:15.
Using Market State Access to Combat IUU Fishing:
Jenny Barker speaks on a panel about best practices to aid market states in developing import control schemes on 4/25/24 at 12:00- 13:00.
Panels We're Watching
Traceability- It’s Not Just Sustainability- A Framework Approach:
FishWise Board chair Richard Stavis speaks on a panel Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability on 4/24/24 at 10:45-11:45.

Our Current Major Initiatives
- Increased transparency in seafood production and governance: FishWise works to catalyze transparent, legal, traceable seafood production. We consult businesses and champion global efforts for government adoption of verification and traceability best practices.
- Establish Human Rights Due Diligence as a standard practice: In partnership with Conservation International and LRQA, FishWise has formed the Consortium for Social Risks in Seafood. Together we are developing actionable Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) guidance and tools.
- Transforming data into actionable intelligence: FishWise prioritizes practical, actionable data analytics. In partnership with the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, we’re enhancing our efficacy in detecting human and labor rights risks in seafood supply chains.
- Moving stakeholders from analysis to action: FishWise is driving seafood stakeholders to action in high-risk areas. We elevate best practices, promote shared understanding, and encourage collaborative responses in critical zones.
Staff In Attendance
FishWise is sending our experts in responsible business practices to SEG and we’re excited to connect! Email us to meet at SEG:

Interested in FishWise Services?
FishWise has over 20 years of experience partnering with companies to embed and advance sustainability into the heart of their business operations. With a team of experts specializing in supply chain traceability, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability, FishWise provides the guidance, data, and resources companies need to progress along their sustainability journey. To learn more about our business partnerships ahead of SEG, email our Supply Chain Engagement team or download our services guide.