Mayor of Santa Cruz Proclaims October 5 "FishWise Day"

FishWise was honored by the Mayor of the City of Santa Cruz with the following proclamation:
Whereas In 2003, the nonprofit FishWise was established in Santa Cruz by University of California Santa Cruz graduates Teresa Ish and Shelly Benoit as a pilot seafood sustainability program with new leaf community markets; and
Whereas Over time, due to the seafood industry’s global nature FishWise expanded its reach and influence to tackle emerging issues in national and international fisheries and aquaculture operations, working with retailers Albertsons Companies, Target, and Hy-Vee, among others; and
Whereas Today, FishWise is acknowledged as a leader in empowering seafood companies to become champions of the ocean; and
Whereas The work of the FishWise business engagement, traceability, data and social responsibility teams reflects a comprehensive approach to advancing seafood that is environmentally and socially responsible; and
Whereas Programs initiated by FishWise affect hundreds of seafood suppliers and millions of pounds of seafood, impacting fisheries and aquaculture production globally; and
Whereas The open house celebration 15 Years of FishWise on October 5, 2018, is an opportunity to ‘come home’ and deepen FishWise’s relationship with the civically engaged Santa Cruz county community; and
Whereas FishWise invites all who care deeply about the health of our oceans, the people who depend on them, and the sustainability of our food production systems, to come learn more about its work, its accomplishments and its vision for the future;
Now, Therefore, I, David Terrazas, Mayor of the City of Santa Cruz, do hereby proclaim October 5, 2018, as “FishWise day” in the City of Santa Cruz and encourage all citizens to join me in congratulating FishWise on its 15th anniversary and expressing heartfelt appreciation for its contributions to the Santa Cruz community and beyond.