Round the World in 26 Days - Indonesia
In this next 3-part series, we continue where Project Director Erin Taylor left off, meeting up with her colleague Senior Project Manager Alanna Gisondo.

Now together in Indonesia, we focused much of our time on learning about traceability-based technologies being implemented in tuna supply chains. MDPI Foundation — the Indonesian nonprofit driving this work— kindly hosted us.
MDPI built an integrated traceability system that facilitates information exchange between fishermen, suppliers, and processors, creating an electronic traceability record for yellowfin tuna. When complete, this project will have a wide range of benefits, including more accurate data for fisheries management, new access to international markets for fishers, and eligibility for voluntary market certifications.
Shown here are photos from our initial meetings with MDPI staff where we discussed the current state of seafood traceability in Indonesia before heading out into the field.
Follow Erin and Alanna to Sulawesi…